Welcome back, Chicagoland Makers!
Schurz High School , the Urban School Foundation, and local maker Christina Pei return with the third annual Chicago Northside Mini Maker Faire, celebrating teaching and learning for all ages of makers, new and old! For those of you who are new to Maker Faire, it is the largest celebration of DIY (Do-It-Yourself) in the world. Maker Faire is a venue for inventors, technophiles, artists, crafters, mad scientists, hackers, musicians, and anyone who makes cool things and want to show others how it’s done. If this describes you:
Reserve your maker table at Schurz High School on Saturday, May 3, 2014. We will be accepting applications until April 7. There is no cost to makers to present and it’s FREE for your friends to attend! Makers will also be featured on our website and advertisements.
Questions? Contact us at ChicagoNorthsideMF@gmail.com